How to Avoid the Hospital

Hello, my name is Simon. I am a 59-year-old man who lives alone in downtown Perth. I am pleased to say that I have never had to spend a night in a hospital. This is because I know how to take care of myself. When I was growing up my grandpa often used to tell me that if you eat well and exercise, you will live a long life. He died aged 95, so he must have known something. However, it was only when I became friends with a doctor, that I discovered all the other things I could do to stay healthy. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to look after their health.

Have Varicose Veins? Consider These Treatment Options

Health & Medical Blog

If you have veins in your legs that are swollen and causing you discomfort, you might have varicose veins. These are caused when your veins begin to twist and swell, ultimately causing different levels of pain. You may also notice a frequency of skin sores due to the veins. Here are some different treatment options for varicose veins.

Lifestyle Remedies

In many cases, your doctor will first recommend making some lifestyle changes. This is especially true when the veins are only causing mild discomfort, but you would like to reduce their severity. To start with, you should avoid remaining in the same position for too long, as it can make the veins worse. This includes sitting or standing for long periods of time. You want to avoid crossing your legs when you sit and try to move your legs regularly. Reduce pressure on the veins by maintaining a normal weight range and don't wear tight clothing or shoes. Compression stockings can also be helpful, which you should be able to get from your doctor or a vascular specialist.


Before you look toward vascular surgery, you should consider one of the less invasive treatments. For example, sclerotherapy does not require extensive surgery but instead uses a chemical that is injected directly into the vein. This helps to destroy the vein from the inside. Sclerotherapy is often performed on large varicose veins that are causing discomfort, though the results are not immediate. While it is a relatively safe procedure, you might be at risk for discolouration of the skin, inflammation, allergic reactions, and skin ulcerations of the area being treated.

Laser Treatments

Another non-invasive option for treating varicose veins is to get a laser treatment. There are different types of treatments for varicose veins that use lasers, including the radiofrequency ablation procedure and endovascular laser procedures. The endovascular procedure uses an ultrasound machine that guides the laser to the vein. It is then pointed at the vein where it destroys it. You shouldn't need much more than local anesthesia for this procedure. There is also radiofrequency ablation, which will use a laser to provide heat to the vein and destroy it.

Stripping of the Veins

If your vascular surgeon believes you need surgery for the varicose veins, they will often suggest stripping. This requires incisions that allow a device to make its way through the skin and reach the problem veins. The vein is then pulled through the tool and out through the incision. You will need anesthesia for this procedure. It is effective but requires a longer recovery time.

For more information about your options and what might work best for your, contact a local vascular surgeon


18 April 2016