How to Avoid the Hospital

Hello, my name is Simon. I am a 59-year-old man who lives alone in downtown Perth. I am pleased to say that I have never had to spend a night in a hospital. This is because I know how to take care of myself. When I was growing up my grandpa often used to tell me that if you eat well and exercise, you will live a long life. He died aged 95, so he must have known something. However, it was only when I became friends with a doctor, that I discovered all the other things I could do to stay healthy. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to look after their health.

Various Body Areas Where Vascular Ultrasound Can Be Done

Health & Medical Blog

Vascular ultrasound is a type of test used to image your blood vessels painlessly. It is usually performed to identify any abnormalities or blockages, blood clots and enlargement of arteries. It can also be used to test whether a particular patient is a good candidate for a vascular treatment and to monitor the success of blood vessel graft or bypass procedures. Some of the areas that this test can be done include the neck, aorta, legs and groin area.


If you have ever had a transient ischemic attack, stroke or have been profiled to be a cardiovascular risk and your doctor has listened to your neck and is suspecting a block, a carotid ultrasound may be required. This is the name given to an ultrasound of the neck since the blockage happens in the carotid arteries. Atherosclerosis plaque usually occurs in the blood vessels found in the neck and interferes with blood flow to the brain.


If your family has a history of abdominal aortic aneurysm risk (AAA), you may need an abdominal aorta ultrasound to check if you have the condition. This is the name given to the ultrasound of the aorta. The condition AAA is when the walls of the aorta are weak. After some time, the weakened walls may bulge/balloon outwards, which can lead to a burst. This burst is fatal. If you have been diagnosed with AAA (weak aorta walls), you will need regular monitoring where you will be undergoing an abdominal aorta ultrasound.


If you usually feel discomfort or pain in your legs when walking or exercising, you may need an ultrasound to check for any atherosclerosis plaque in your leg arteries. Your doctor may require non-invasive flow studies done. This pain is known as claudication and is as a result of decreased oxygen amounts reaching your leg muscles. In most cases, claudication is associated with peripheral artery disease (PAD). If you have PAD, you may also have other symptoms such as ulceration and gangrene.


If you are experiencing groin pain, your doctor may require an ultrasound of the groin area, which is known as an inguinal ultrasound. The ultrasound helps identify which type of a hernia you may be having, whether inguinal, femoral or obturator. Ultrasounds are also used to detect lipoma, which is a common benign tumour. Other types of conditions that can be identified through an ultrasound of the groin area include superficial thrombophlebitis, saphena varix, deep venous thrombosis, hematomas, lymphoceles, abscesses and seromas.


4 December 2018