How to Avoid the Hospital

Hello, my name is Simon. I am a 59-year-old man who lives alone in downtown Perth. I am pleased to say that I have never had to spend a night in a hospital. This is because I know how to take care of myself. When I was growing up my grandpa often used to tell me that if you eat well and exercise, you will live a long life. He died aged 95, so he must have known something. However, it was only when I became friends with a doctor, that I discovered all the other things I could do to stay healthy. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to look after their health.

Injured At Work Or Suffering From A Serious Disability? Here Are A Few Ways To Help Make Your Life Better


Almost four million Australians have a disability of some kind, ranging from manageable limps and pains all the way through to paraplegics. Every disability deserves to be treated with a serious and loving response from the community, but sometimes it can feel like you are going on this journey all by yourself. While not every disability has an immediate effect on you, there are a few steps you can take to maximise your experiences in life by minimising the impact your disability has on you. Here are some basic steps you should take to begin retaking control of your life. 

Disability Care 

It can feel very embarrassing to admit that you need help in your day-to-day life, but this is a feeling all in your head, there is no shame in accepting help. Depending on your level of disability you may qualify for government assistance with getting some disability care, and you should check your status before looking to engage a disability care service. These services are wide-ranging and can be small things like helping you keep your home tidy and having a caring ear to listen to your problems to a full, in-home carer who helps you with every activity. These carers are well qualified, and you can also get physiotherapists and nurses that will help you with physical rehabilitation and medication. The first step to getting your life back on track is accepting that you can't do it on your own.


The best system you can implement to get your life back on track is a set of regular routines and habits you follow every day. These routines will help establish what it feels like to have a purpose and help stimulate the motivation needed to then attempt other things, like getting back into the workforce or even just getting back into an active, social life. This routine should start off simple; a time to wake up every day, a good hygienic program, a few small activities (like a short walk or a trip to the library) and a limit on screen time (TV, computer and even your phone). You could even start a new hobby like reading, coin collecting, model building or other, non-strenuous activities. 

Support Groups

In addition to disability care, you should try and join a support group that can help you through the initial process of recovery or rehabilitation. Permanent disabilities also have many support groups available across Australia, and these can be great in helping deal with the emotions that arise due to this drastic change in your life. It is always helpful to talk to people who have shared experiences with you, and they can help you with the wisdom on how to embrace life even through the hardship. For many disabled people, it can be tough to talk to others who have not experienced your pain, so support groups are safe places for you to air your grievances and get knowledgeable feedback. 


16 January 2019