How to Avoid the Hospital

Hello, my name is Simon. I am a 59-year-old man who lives alone in downtown Perth. I am pleased to say that I have never had to spend a night in a hospital. This is because I know how to take care of myself. When I was growing up my grandpa often used to tell me that if you eat well and exercise, you will live a long life. He died aged 95, so he must have known something. However, it was only when I became friends with a doctor, that I discovered all the other things I could do to stay healthy. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to look after their health.

Post-exercise Muscular Pain, Joint Pain and The Importance of Massage

Health & Medical Blog

There are days when you push yourself a little too hard in the gym. Often, sore and stiff muscles will result from your extra effort, as you push your body's metabolic processes to the limit. The muscles can cause discomfort as you go about your routine business. It would help if you had a good understanding of what transpires in your body when you exercise. You will be ready for the post-exercise occurrences, or better yet, have an idea of dealing with them. The following sheds more light on post-exercise muscular and joint pain to give you more insight.

The Cause of Muscular Pain after Exercise

Post-exercise muscular pain is the result of several metabolic processes that take place when you are exercising. Carbonic and lactic acids accumulate within the muscle tissues. These acids are the by-products of the contractions that occur when you are exercising. The muscles need to burn glycogen stored within them to produce the energy you need for your exercise. 

Carbonic and lactic acids are typical waste products of putting your body through some hard work. They should not be a cause for concern because the body will convert them back to glycogen in readiness for your next phase of physical exercise. 

The Connection between Massage and Post-exercise Pain

Massage is an excellent way of relieving your muscles after using them to do some hard work or exercise. Massage reduces the irritation resulting from the acidic waste that accumulates in your tissues after an intensive workout session.

Earlier, there was mention of metallic changes occurring when you exercise. One of the changes that happens in your body is the need for more oxygen as your muscles adjust to the new set of conditions. Typically, this implies that you need more blood supply to the affected area to provide the much-needed oxygen. Massage relaxes muscles and improves the flow of blood. This helps muscles to recover faster as the body works to restore normalcy.

The Confusion with Joint Stiffness and Pain

Many people don't know the difference between post-exercise muscle pain and joint pains. While the post-exercise muscle pain affects a specific muscle, joint pain affects the ligaments connecting muscles and bones. You feel a certain level of discomfort that worsens every time you perform an action that requires the involvement of a joint. Such activities include walking, running or simple movements of your limbs. Massage is the common factor in this case because it also improves the circulation of blood within the joint and hastens recovery.

For more information, contact a sports physiotherapy clinic.


21 February 2020