How to Avoid the Hospital

Hello, my name is Simon. I am a 59-year-old man who lives alone in downtown Perth. I am pleased to say that I have never had to spend a night in a hospital. This is because I know how to take care of myself. When I was growing up my grandpa often used to tell me that if you eat well and exercise, you will live a long life. He died aged 95, so he must have known something. However, it was only when I became friends with a doctor, that I discovered all the other things I could do to stay healthy. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to look after their health.

Physical And Mental Wellness Tips

Health & Medical Blog

Physical, mental and spiritual wellness can significantly improve the quality of life you live. It is a sure way to be happy, appreciative and resilient to the many challenges life will throw at you. Read the excerpt below for some vital wellness tips. 

Discover Yourself

Life moves faster than a high-speed rocket. You will often find yourself with taxing responsibilities such as school, work and family that deprive you of "you-time". It is always advisable to take time and think about yourself. For instance, have you achieved your dreams? Could be you have always wanted to write a novel, tour a particular country or open a business. These are the things that ignite a spark in you and give life more meaning. Most people will have excuses as to why they shifted their goals or stopped doing things that they love. However, the truth is that they are afraid that it is too late. Stepping out of this cocoon is the only way to live a life of fulfilment. 

Mind Your Body

Regular exercise and healthy eating will keep your body and mind in good shape. A fifteen or thirty minutes' walk every day will go a long way in keeping your body healthy. Avoid consuming too much junk, alcohol and drugs. You may not experience much change at first. However, you will have a difficult time managing your addiction and weight after a few years.

Live Within Your Means

A significant cause of stress and depression is financial problems. However, they can be avoided by training yourself to live within your means. It is normal to do some impulse shopping or spend money on unnecessary things. However, developing this habit will only land you in debt. Have a solid financial plan that allocates a portion of your earnings for savings. This money will come in handy during a rainy day or when you need to purchase an asset.


People with a busy schedule do not get enough time to sleep. Get at least seven hours every day to relax your mind and body. Adequate sleep will help improve your concentration levels and help boost your moods. Sleep deprivation could cause anxiety, stress and digestive and hormonal disorders. 

Medical Check-Ups

Visit your doctor periodically for medical check-ups. It is a sure way to detect and treat illnesses at an early stage. Besides, your doctor can tell when you are stressed. He or she can give some tips on how to relieve the stress. In severe situations, the doctor will refer you to a specialist. 

With the above wellness tips, you should live a happy and fulfilling life. Remember to share these tips with friends and family.


27 May 2020