Jar Price

Weight Training After Menopause: Don't Forget To Book In For Physio


One part of menopause that many women forget about is the effect your changing hormone levels have on your muscles. The reduction of estrogen in a woman's body leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Weight training helps to strengthen both the muscles and the bones in your body, but hitting the gym to undertake weight training exercises puts your body under a new type of stress. As someone who is about to start working out at the gym again, there are a number of reasons why you must make your first physio appointment now.

14 September 2018

When Ringing in Your Ears Needs to Be Checked by a Doctor

Health & Medical Blog

Most people experience minor hearing problems from time to time, with a little bit of difficulty making things out or some ringing in the ears being fairly common. Usually, these issues are nothing to worry about, and they're related to a non-threatening illness or exposure to excessive noise. Because it's important to look after your hearing, it's a good idea to know when you have a problem that warrants an appointment with your GP.

26 July 2018

Fibroids and Fertility: The Easily-Solved Problem That Could Be Stopping You From Getting Pregnant


If you're experiencing unexplained problems getting pregnant, the solution may be easier than you think. For a small percentage of women, infertility is caused by a common gynecological problem: uterine fibroids. Thankfully, uterine fibroids can be treated with minimally-invasive surgery, which could solve your infertility. Here's everything you need to know about uterine fibroids if you're trying to conceive. What Are Uterine Fibroids? Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths onand around your uterus.

19 May 2017

Key Reasons to Receive Routine Chiropractic Care


When it comes to chiropractic care, most people assume it is only beneficial for individuals who may be suffering from musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis, joint pain and more. In actuality, chiropractic care provides a host of benefits for all persons, both young and old. Thus, if you are looking for an all-natural way to boost your health, you may want to consider receiving treatment on a regular basis. The following are a few of the key reasons why you should be given routine chiropractic care.

8 May 2017

Tackling Your Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Health & Medical Blog

Also known as rotator cuff disorder, rotator cuff syndrome is one of the commonest causes of shoulder pain. While the extent of pain and stiffness varies according to the injury causing your syndrome, you'll likely want to tackle it as soon as possible to return to a normal range of movement and prevent further injury. In addition to considering pharmacological interventions, you may find that a physiotherapy clinic can aid your recovery.

19 April 2017

Tips for Getting Through Your Pre-Employment Medical Screening

Health & Medical Blog

Most businesses have taken up the task of offering a pre-employment medical appointment. This is for a number of reasons including insurance qualification and on possible issues that could affect job performance. Even though you know that a pre-employment medical exam may be required for the job, you may not know what information you need to have with you and what to expect. Here are some tips to help you get through your pre-employment medical.

14 March 2017

What to Do If You Find That Flossing Is Simply Too Hard

Dentist Blog

Have you ever noticed that when you go to a supermarket you will often see row after row of different types of toothpaste and a host of brushes, arranged according to whether they are soft or hard? You may have to hunt for a moment or two to come across any options to help you with your flossing. Yet if you're going to listen to a dentist, all of these tools should have equal prominence, as they're vital if you want to maintain your oral health.

10 March 2017

Three Problems Eyelid Surgery WON'T Fix

Health & Medical Blog

Eyelid surgery, known medically as a blepharoplasty procedure, can be life changing for many men and women. As well as improving the cosmetic appearance of the eye, it can also restore obstructed vision and improve quality of life. However, it's important to understand that eyelid surgery isn't a cure-all for every aesthetic eye problem. If you're considering blepharoplasty, it's important to have realistic expectations before you go through with the treatment.

10 March 2017

Why You Should Replace Missing Back Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

When you have missing teeth in the back of your mouth, it often seems like it isn't a big deal to replace them. However, whether or not you can actually see the missing teeth is not the only thing to consider when deciding if you should replace the teeth. In fact, all teeth that are broken or pulled or that fall out should be replaced eventually. Here are some reasons why you should talk to your dentist about replacing your missing back teeth.

20 January 2017

How a Chiropractor Helps Beat Knee Pain


Did you know that a chiropractor can treat much more than just back pain? Chiropractors also work with the rest of your skeletal system, such as the knees and ankles. If you are experiencing pain in your knee and you wish to avoid pain medication or surgery, visiting a chiropractor could be a great alternative. Below is a brief guide to what a chiropractor can do for a person suffering from knee pain.

21 June 2016