Health Medical

Four reasons why you might visit a hypnotherapist

Health & Medical Blog

Hypnotherapy, a form of therapy involving making suggestions to the patient while they are in a deep state of relaxation, is sometimes a part of mental health care, but you may not be aware of what exactly it can be used to treat. Here are some common problems that hypnotherapy can help with. Weight loss Hypnotherapy can be used to help the patient overcome compulsive eating. There is usually a hidden psychological reason why someone continues to eat despite an honest and strong desire to develop healthy habits — it may, for example, be due to anxiety or issues of low self-esteem.

26 December 2019

Tips for Finding a Bulk Billing Doctor

Health & Medical Blog

As a payment method that comes with lots of convenience, bulk billing benefits millions of people throughout Australia. If you're one of them, it's worth learning more about how to find bulk billing doctors. Here are some simple tips for doing so: Shop around using advice from others  If you have family and friends who are bulk billing users too, they may be the best people to ask for advice. They're more likely to have a knowledge of which doctors use the billing system than most other people.

29 April 2019

Reasons to Attend a Men's Health Clinic

Health & Medical Blog

When it comes to health, women's and men's health have several different aspects, owing to the differences in the anatomy of male and females. In order for males to be healthy, both their physical and mental health need to be well looked after, and regular checkups should be carried out. Unfortunately, work, family and bills can affect both physical and mental well-being. This is when it becomes especially important to consult a doctor who specialises in men's health.

28 February 2019

Various Body Areas Where Vascular Ultrasound Can Be Done

Health & Medical Blog

Vascular ultrasound is a type of test used to image your blood vessels painlessly. It is usually performed to identify any abnormalities or blockages, blood clots and enlargement of arteries. It can also be used to test whether a particular patient is a good candidate for a vascular treatment and to monitor the success of blood vessel graft or bypass procedures. Some of the areas that this test can be done include the neck, aorta, legs and groin area.

4 December 2018

Who Should Get Skin Checks?

Health & Medical Blog

When something is making you think about the health of your skin rather than the way it looks, you may start considering skin checks. As part of your considerations, you may wonder whether you're one of the people who should get a skin check. Ultimately, everyone should ask a professional to check their skin at some stage. Although not everyone will develop skin cancer, in a culture with lots of UV exposure, each person increases their risk annually.

24 October 2018

When Ringing in Your Ears Needs to Be Checked by a Doctor

Health & Medical Blog

Most people experience minor hearing problems from time to time, with a little bit of difficulty making things out or some ringing in the ears being fairly common. Usually, these issues are nothing to worry about, and they're related to a non-threatening illness or exposure to excessive noise. Because it's important to look after your hearing, it's a good idea to know when you have a problem that warrants an appointment with your GP.

26 July 2018

Tackling Your Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Health & Medical Blog

Also known as rotator cuff disorder, rotator cuff syndrome is one of the commonest causes of shoulder pain. While the extent of pain and stiffness varies according to the injury causing your syndrome, you'll likely want to tackle it as soon as possible to return to a normal range of movement and prevent further injury. In addition to considering pharmacological interventions, you may find that a physiotherapy clinic can aid your recovery.

19 April 2017

Tips for Getting Through Your Pre-Employment Medical Screening

Health & Medical Blog

Most businesses have taken up the task of offering a pre-employment medical appointment. This is for a number of reasons including insurance qualification and on possible issues that could affect job performance. Even though you know that a pre-employment medical exam may be required for the job, you may not know what information you need to have with you and what to expect. Here are some tips to help you get through your pre-employment medical.

14 March 2017

Three Problems Eyelid Surgery WON'T Fix

Health & Medical Blog

Eyelid surgery, known medically as a blepharoplasty procedure, can be life changing for many men and women. As well as improving the cosmetic appearance of the eye, it can also restore obstructed vision and improve quality of life. However, it's important to understand that eyelid surgery isn't a cure-all for every aesthetic eye problem. If you're considering blepharoplasty, it's important to have realistic expectations before you go through with the treatment.

10 March 2017

Why You Should Replace Missing Back Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

When you have missing teeth in the back of your mouth, it often seems like it isn't a big deal to replace them. However, whether or not you can actually see the missing teeth is not the only thing to consider when deciding if you should replace the teeth. In fact, all teeth that are broken or pulled or that fall out should be replaced eventually. Here are some reasons why you should talk to your dentist about replacing your missing back teeth.

20 January 2017